+7 (499) 976 37 50

Geographic Network Laboratory

Head of the Laboratory

Olga Vladimirovna Rukhovich, Doctor of Sciences in Biology

Rukhovich O. V. is the author of over 110 scientific publications, including 15 monographs, 1 patent and 24 databases, Secretary of the Scientific Council of the division of agricultural Sciences of RAS section of the "Agriculture, land reclamation, water and forestry" direction "Agrochemistry and Geographical network experiments with fertilizers", Secretary of the Commission IV "Agrochemistry and soil fertility" at the all-Russian Society of soil science named after V. V. Dokuchaev, and academician of the Mitscherlich Academy for Soil Fertility (MITAK).

The main research areas of the laboratory:

  • Study of geographical patterns of the effect of fertilizers, biological agents on the yield and quality of products, soil fertility, environmental sustainability of agricultural landscapes:
    • study of the humus state of soils;
    • dynamics of changes in the nitrogen regime of soils;
    • features of the phosphate regime of soils;
    • potash state of soils and its regulation;
    • dynamics of changes in the state of trace elements of different types of soils;
    • changes in the biological activity of soils.
  • Development of systems for the conservation and reproduction of soil fertility in landscape agriculture in the country's zones based on an optimal combination of biological, agrochemical, agrotechnical and land reclamation techniques, as well as the use of local mineral raw materials and various types of organic fertilizers;
  • Improvement of the field experiment methodology;

The main tasks of the laboratory

  • Coordination of research, collection and synthesis of information about experiments;
  • Development of a methodology for using Geographical etwork data based on computer systems for recording, checking and processing annual reporting materials, and maintaining a register of experiments;
  • Maintaining a unified federal information database of Geographical network field experiments on electronic media to support scientific research, the formation of models and regulatory indicators in the field of agrochemistry, etc.

The success of the laboratory

4 volumes of the "Register of long-term Geographical network experiments" have been published, which contain information on long-term experiments

The laboratory employees Rukhovich O. V., Belichenko M. V. and Romanenkov V. A. are full members of the Mitscherlich Academy of Soil Fertility (MITAK), Paulinenaue, Germany

The laboratory of the geographical network of experiments with fertilizers has its own website www.geo-set.ru, which presents the materials of the Geographical network.

Rukhovich Olga Vladimirovna


Name Link

Akanova N.I., Vizirskaya M.M., Seregin M.B., Grebennikova T.V. Phosphogypsum - a gypsum-containing soil ameliorant // Phosphogypsum Leadership Innovation Partnership. 2020.- рр. 41-50. IFA, Paris, June 2020 (Copyright © International Fertilizer Association)

Публикация без ссылки

2 Akanova N.I., Vizirskaya M.M., Seregin M.B., Grebennikova T.V. Phosphogypsum - a gypsum-containing soil ameliorant // Phosphogypsum Leadership Innovation Partnership. 2020.- рр. 41-50. IFA, Paris, June 2020 (Copyright © International Fertilizer Association)

+7 (499) 976 37 50

Pryanishnikova 31a

Cычев Виктор Гаврилович
До августа 2020 г. директор Федерального государственного бюджетного научного учреждения «Всероссийского научно-исследовательского института имени Д.Н.Прянишникова»

Сычев Виктор Гаврилович родился 28 июля 1955 г. п. «Кубанская степь» Каневского района Краснодарского края.

Окончил Московскую сельскохозяйственную академию имени К.А. Тимирязева (1979г.);

кандидат сельскохозяйственных наук (1984);

доктор сельскохозяйственных наук (2000);

профессор (2005);

член-корреспондент Россельхозакадемии (2001);

действительный член (академик) Российской адемии наук (2007);

иностранный член (академик) украинской академии аграрных наук (2010);

почетный профессор Кубанского государственного аграрного университета (2010),

почетный доктор белорусской государственной сельскохозяйственной академии (2007);

почетный профессор Брянской государственной сельскохозяйственной академии (2004).

Основатель и главный редактор журнала «Плодородие» (2001).

Вице- президент Международного Союза агрохимиков и агроэкологов;

член научного Комитета Международного научного центра по удобрениям (CIEC),

Автор более 350 научных работ, в том числе 20 монографий и 12 патентов на изобретеня.